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Reversi(5108 bytes)by robbo Contact Author | Discuss this entry AUTHOR'S DESCRIPTION: The classic game of black and white You play white, which means you go first. Place a piece by clicking on a square next to a black piece such that the the resulting line of pieces has a white piece on either end and black pieces in the middle. The line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. The surrounded black pieces are then turned white. The winner is the player with the most pieces of their colour at the end of the game. The algorithm I've used to generate the computer's move is fairly straight forward, but it does do better than I'd have expected. It even beats people! If there are no more moves to play the game is a tie. In fact in the real game it should mean that the player who can't go misses a turn. You can make the game two player by clicking on the black score counter. Reactivate the CPU by clicking it again. If it is already black's move, the computer will not take over until the next turn. |
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