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[Kategorie: Spielen] A questionIs it really possible to reach HISCORES of more than 300.000 points? Or are people cheating? Please, can somebody with that SCORES tell me, how he or she does it!? Is there a bug in higher levels? Or do you transfer just fantasy-scores? I try to prevent that but its not to hard to find a way to avoid my barriers. So, please, don't cheat! But if you really make that… weiter lesen >> |
[Kategorie: Spielen] I believe I was 15 when I first saw LadybugI believe I was 15 when I first saw Ladybug at an arcade a few blocks away from home those days. I would stop by the arcade just to play my fav game at the time, Froggie, but then I saw some kids playing and it took me a few minutes watching them play to get hooked to the bug for life. I buried the frog and all other games and started playing on those huge arcade machines, and in no… weiter lesen >> |
[Kategorie: Spielen] I love Lady bug and have been playing the gameI love Lady bug and have been playing the game since it was released in 1981. Although impressive, this version does not have the same timing (changing color of the letters etc.) as the original. Also, my computer seems too slow to play it properly? I wish the people who have the highscores on here would play this game on MAME as well and upload their scores to … weiter lesen >> |
[Kategorie: Spielen] Down at the arcade Lady Bug, Kazutoshi Ueda for Universal, 1981
You may have noticed that … weiter lesen >> |
[Kategorie: Spielen] Wie ich das Spiel kennen lernteDie Vorgeschichte wird sicher länger sein, als die Geschichte des Kennenlernes selbst. Ich habe selten diese Spielgeräte in Kneipen oder sonstwo benutzt; mit 14 oder 15 Jahren habe ich ein paar Mal an Geldspielautomaten gespielt, später manchmal geflippert, aber ich bin kein Spielertyp. So habe ich weder die ersten Computerspiele jemals gespielt, obwohl meine Eltern… weiter lesen >> |
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