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[Category: Programming] More originalityMy second son is laying sick and sleeping in bed. So I can use the time to work on the Lady Bug game. There was still something incorrect: In the original game all skulls of a level will removed if the Lady Bug runs into one. Now this behavior is implemented in my Flash-game, too. Be more careful now! |
[Category: Playing] A questionIs it really possible to reach HISCORES of more than 300.000 points? Or are people cheating? Please, can somebody with that SCORES tell me, how he or she does it!? Is there a bug in higher levels? Or do you transfer just fantasy-scores? I try to prevent that but its not to hard to find a way to avoid my barriers. So, please, don't cheat! But if you really make that… read more >> |
[Category: Programming] More tweaksNow I made the timer running at the "writing-board". It was a tip of Roessel that this was a difference to the original game (and I want to make a perfect copy). I fixed also a bug which concerned only players in timezones with a difference of more than nine hours to Greenwich Mean Time; they couldn't store their HISCORES into the database. So, Trevor, I hope you… read more >> |
[Category: Programming] Weitere VerbesserungenSo, gestern Abend habe ich endlich den von Roessel bemängelten Umlauf des Timers bei der Eingabe des Spielnamens eingebaut. Die "Zeitanzeige" startet also, wenn der "Schreibtisch" erscheint und wenn ein Umlauf beendet ist, wird der HISCORE automatisch eingetragen. Man hat zwar eine Menge Zeit, seinen Namen einzugeben, aber eben nicht mehr unendlich… read more >> |
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